Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sustainable Management Futures FIFA
Question: Discuss about the Sustainable Management Futures FIFA. Answer: Introduction: The Federation Internationale de Football Association is one of the most noted international sports organization. It is better known as FIFA. This body is the international governing body of soccer with its governance over the global associations-country-wise. . This organization is responsible for organizing the international soccer tournaments of which the event of Football World Cup and Women World Cup are the most noted events. FIFA is lot more than a sports organizing and developmental organization. Established in the year 1904, this organization has attained a lot of growth and development over the years. The organization has arranged a large number of important world soccer tournaments. However FIFA is a lot more than that. In fact it is a company or a business organization in the truest sense. The company has been said to do an overwhelming business with its past track record through arrangement of World Cup football tournaments with the objective of successful effort to rais e sponsorship for the same. The name of this organization and its torchbearers are however involved in a large number of notorious events that have dragged the esteem of FIFA into a large number of controversies(FIFA, 2015). In the current discussion we will be looking at the various instances that cite examples of the principles and trends of business ethics, corporate social responsibility and sustainability that have been displayed by the organization of FIFA. Contradictory approaches will be discerned in all the mentioned genres that have been exhibited in the context of FIFA. Business Ethics: The name of FIFA has always been involved in a large number of controversies. These controversies have been mainly related to the unethical practises that have been continued in FIFA regarding bribery, corrupt behaviour and self dealing. All these allegations came up increasingly against the organization soon after the election of Sepp Blatter as the President of FIFA. Blatter did resign from his position in the year 2008, however stayed in the position till somebody suitable can be found. Meanwhile down the line of events, soon the ethics committee of FIFA had banned Blatter from soccer for eight years(Foose, 2016). Explaining the situation it can be further elaborated that in the initial days Blatter did get away with various unethical practises since there was no ethics policy in FIFA at that time. In this context we can cite the first business ethics that can be deciphered in the case of FIFA. To begin with every company must have a definite set of code of ethics. This code must be written and well established set of principles that will be definite and relatable. These guidelines and principles will show a certain path to the rest of the members of the company that will help them to tread the path of ethics. The business or the organization will automatically be an ethical one. The absence of this code of ethics was one of the main reasons why FIFA, under the leadership of Blatter, got involved into a number of unethical dealings and events(Bbc, 2015). The code of ethics was established in the year 2004 in FIFA. Judged against the principles of this code, Blatter was found guilty of a number of unethical dealings. This has been the reason why he had been dismissed from his position and banned from soccer administration for eight years. However the question here is that why did it take so long? This brings us to the second approach to business ethics. It is not merely important and adequate to formulate business ethics. The authorities must be highly vigilant to make sure that the members of the company are following the code of ethics and the leadership of the organization is following the rules and the ethics code to perfection. Had this been done in FIFA in the early years of 2002, a lot of unethical dealings could have been restrained(Fifa, 2012). To make an analysis of FIFA business ethics it can be said that the organization has in fact given an international recognition to one of the oldest and popular forms of sports. This organization is in fact an industry by itself where it has internationally organized and has disciplined the game of football of soccer with inclusion of innovative ideas with implementation of them as rules of the games. However in addition to this it can be yet again said that this is an organization that has also brought gender equality to the game. The organization is not only known for organizing mens football on an internal forum but it has done the same for the women of the game. It has arranged for the Womens World Cup, which is an incredibly great measure on the part of the sports organization. However the very structure of the company can be held responsible due to which the organization soon got deep into the mesh of unethical practises. In this context it can be explained that running an orga nization on the lines of ethics requires a certain amount of planning. Just as one has to plan the strategy of the company in terms of its operations and marketing, they should give priority to business ethics. This is needed to be planned and strategized in a very careful manner. This helps the business to remain streamlined and also focused to do profit in a feasible manner that brings maximum good to a maximum number of people instead of concentrating the benefit to few people. It also ensures that the company earns a respectable name in the market and is revered as a brand. This helps to create a credibility of the brand in the market. This is resulting to earn better acceptability from the market. sduring the course of examining those factors in the context of FIFA, observance revealed that on one hand the company has exhibited undisputable ethics in granting men and women the same opportunity; but from the business point of view for money making became a business that was rest ricted for just few, bringing increasing traces of corruption within the company. Hence one can easily spot contradictory business ethics ploys and approaches that have been applied in the case of FIFA. Corporate Social Responsibility: Corporate Social Responsibility is a term that is much familiar to us. This will indicate at the quality contributions that are being done by any company for the benefit and the growth of the community and the society in macro and micro level with emphasis on environment as per need of the region. However the question that arises in this context is that whether CSR as an agenda is applicable just for those companies which are commercial enterprises. In fact in this context it can be said that the FIFA is yet again another organization that too has its considerable share of CSR. However this responsibility is different from the normal concept of CSR.(Moyles, 2012). To evaluate its share of CSR, we can say that FIFA has done a great job through its organizing of the womens world cup. This is an endeavour on the part of FIFA that has granted both men and women the same quotient of opportunity and respect. In fact this is a step which is considered to be mitigation of discrimination of class to be followed by international association of other sports. The example that has been set by FIFA is something that can be taken up by the other sports organizing groups as well(Fifa, 2016). However the highly controversial event that took place in 2015 world Cup it can be said that the organizers did not really show much sense of responsibility towards the society of the world. In fact there have been a large number of occasions where the unethical principles and the measures that have been set up by the sports organization did create very bad impact on the global society. As a result of the sham show at the recent world cup, many of the US soccer lovers had lost their interest in this sport. This has definitely created a very negative effect on the future of the sports. The other stakeholders too including behind the screen and the ones at the limelight of the audience have been affected. The entire event did create a negative vibe(Fifa, 2013). However people are realizing that in the present age of visibility the players are the people or the personalities who have a heavy share of CSR responsibility. They are in fact the idols to the rest of the world and their fan clubs who are not only following them but are also assessing them all the time. This is why the players have become a lot more diligent, calculated and also responsible in terms of their public behaviour. In fact the declaration of Qatar world cup could be well shelved which could save the government of the nation enough money with resultant creation of a large number of employment opportunities for the national youth(Fifa, 2015). The previous part of the discussion has been very useful in pointing out the real meaning of CSR. Normally this is a term that would indicate at the value additions done by a company in the context of the environment as per location. However this is something that is not the sole definition of CSR. Corporate Social Responsibility will refer to the overall impact that the said event had on the global society. Now there is no second doubt to the fact that the world cup football tournaments are events that adds a great fillip to the global economy. It also adds to the aspect of fan following and hero worship by the general fans of the soccer players. In this context the various campaigns and the advertisements done by these soccer stars not only can have the ability of benefitting the business brands but also can inspire the general people of the world to follow some of the best health consciousness with practises like losing of extra weight or taking up of good habits or that of fighti ng social evils. However when these players act in a lousy manner in front of the general public, the fans not just loses faith in their stars but the image of the game in general. This is a form of super responsibility towards the society that the soccer players do share. This was something that they probably did not realise earlier, which is slowly dawning onto them. Similarly FIFA too, being an internationally acclaimed association with reputed brand image and the most important name in the arena of the game has a very big social responsibility. Its dealings will have a direct impact on the way the general public reacts to the game of soccer or football. The reputation of the brand will also tide over the players of the game and the teams who are participating in the game. This large and far reaching impact of the reputation of FIFA is in fact the main reason why the organization has received such blatant blows due to its recent controversy. Hence the analysis in this context will reveal the fact that dual approach of CSR has been in practise within the boundaries of FIFA. On one hand it has helped to mitigate discrimination in the society in the context of gender but it has set some of the most unfortunate course of events due to its lack of operational transparency. Sustainability: FIFA is an organization to which football is much more than a game. It is a spirit that can bring various communities together and can open new breakthrough pathways for global development, emergence of opportunities and can transform lives and establish universality. This game is one that can create very affective and powerful opportunities which can break social barriers and distinctions and can inspire much greater health awareness and educational programs. This is one of the main reasons why FIFA has often been used as the platform that could spread social messages using the dint of passion for football. These social projects get a wonderful platform through FIFA tournaments to reach out to the gamut of the global audiences. This essence of FIFA guarantees its sustainability where we see that the organization renders a much bigger role and responsibility than just arranging and organizing events of world soccer tournaments(Fifa, 2015). The organization has ensured its sustainability through more ways than one. In this context we see that the authorities have turned no stone unturned to keep the events of the organization environment friendly. The various arrangements that are done by FIFA to conduct world soccer tournaments are done with the point of protecting the environment from any kind of damage. The various events arranged by FIFA are often used to raise a greater awareness for preservation of the environment. This is a trend that has been maintained and has been accentuated since the year 2006, when the World Cup was organized in Germany. FIFA has also used its platform to generate the idea which sponsors the activities against racism which is very commonly found in different sports by the stakeholders. This is an aspect that says that a chance of fair play and competition would be granted to one and all. This indicates at a healthy practise and competition in the game(Sibilski, 2015). Meanwhile the various instances of foul play and corruption that has been cited in the organization especially during the tenure of Blatter have also been tided over. This indicates at the fact that the authorities are much inclined to attain sustainability of the brand or the organization that is cemented with the formation of the ethics committee for the organization in the year 2004. An analysis of the above facts and data will reveal the inference that the authorities of the organization of FIFA had always aimed at the sustainability of the organization. As a result of the same we see that the authorities have set about to create the ethics committee that has been very important in the downfall of Blatter. Hence we can say that the element of sustainability have always been in the back of the mind of the strategic heads of the brand of FIFA. This is one of the reasons why the brand has been developed to be much more than a world soccer organizing company, the brand has been highly effective in creating special and particular values for the various communities of the world. This is a brand or a name or an event that can also be related to various other global opportunities which have been used to improve the social or the healthcare or educational prospects of the world. This is a platform that not only celebrates the spirits of soccer and football but also is ce lebrated by the global population irrespective of their nationality and community specification. FIFA is an event or is a name that celebrates universality. It has exhibited extra ordinary care and respect for the environment and has taken immense care to see to the fact that its various events and their organizations should not create any challenge or problem for the nature as a whole, This is yet again a great step on the part of the authorities and the management of the brand,. In fact these various steps that have been taken so far to create a global image for the brand in order to get better acceptability from the global population or audience. The recent spurges of corruption details which have surfaced in connection to this name put negative impact on its international image considerably. But the authorities are trying quite hard to maintain its position and attain its former prestigious image as the premier football authority worldwide. Discussion: In terms of business ethics, CSR or that of sustainability we see that FIFA as an organization happens to be within the clutches of much duality. In this context we see that various forces had been at play in the past history of the organization. This is especially true of the early years and the presidential rule of Sepp Blatter which had generated a large variety of unethical practises and corruption with the gain of prevalence and predominance in the organization. This factor of corruption and unethical practises did happen to malign all the aspects of business ethics and CSR which in turn did affect the index of sustainability of the organization. In this context we can say that the authorities of the brand had been vigilant about the whole affair and they have made the required changes so that the brand can keep up the great work of fostering the game of soccer or football on an international basis(Sportindustry, 2016). Conclusion: On a closing note one can say that FIFA is one of the most prestigious and noted names in the industry of international football. In fact it is with the formulation of FIFA that the game of soccer or football has been organized and has been given coveted worldwide platform. This is corroborated by the fact that FIFA is the organization which arranges for the World Cup on a regular basis. However the occurrence of certain unethical practises led to the degeneration of the brand. In fact this effect tided over the entire sport of football, its players, national teams and also the involvement of the fans. An overall degeneration came to exist over the arena of world sports. However the situation has been arrested and has been restored to a great extent in the recent times. This is due to the proactive measures on the part of the management and the authorities of FIFA. One thing that stands quantified is the fact that FIFA is much more than just a sport organization. It is considered to be an industry by itself, that involves a large number of stakeholders and also has a great and a far reaching influence and impact on the global society. It benefits the economy, adds a fillip to the social issues and also can trigger off global trends and behavioural patterns. Hence the responsibility of FIFA does not remain restricted to the welfare of the game of football, but also the influence that it has on the global scenario as a whole. References: Bbc, 2015. Fifa corruption crisis: Key questions answered. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 26 March 2017]. Fifa, 2012. Fifa Code of Ethice. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 26 March 2017]. Fifa, 2013. Social Responsibility. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 26 March 2017]. Fifa, 2015. Anti-discrimination. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 26 March 2017]. FIFA, 2015. History of FIFA - Foundation. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 26 March 2017]. Fifa, 2015. Social responsibility. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 26 March 2017]. Fifa, 2016. Sustainability. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 26 March 2017]. Foose, A., 2016. Reevaluating Enterprise Ethics After the FIFA Corruption Scandal. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 26 March 2017]. Moyles, C., 2012. FIFAs Humanitarian Aid and Corporate Social Responsibility. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 26 March 2017]. Sibilski, L., 2015. Can FIFA become a role model for sustainable development? [Online] Available at: [Accessed 26 March 2017]. Sportindustry, 2016. The big interview: Fifa on sustainability. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 26 March 2017].
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