Sunday, August 11, 2019

Critically analyse the recommendations for hydration during endurance Literature review

Critically analyse the recommendations for hydration during endurance events and discuss the role of sports drinks in relationship to health and performance - Literature review Example The ability of the athletes to keep their body temperatures within some given boundaries even when temperatures surrounding them are very different is known as thermoregulation (Snell et al., 2010). If the body of the human body fails to maintain the average temperatures at any given time and the temperatures rise above the standard rates, the result is a condition known as hyperthermia (Geesmann, Mester and Koehler, 2014). The condition usually happens when the human body is exposed to constant temperatures of 55 degrees Celsius. The opposite of hyperthermia is hypothermia and it occurs when the body is exposed to low temperatures for an extended period. It is very fortunate that sports science has gone a step ahead to find out the ways that regular ingestion of fluids is important for the performances of the athletes. During the actual sporting activities, hypohydration tends to impair the ability of the body to regulate heat that leads to increased heartbeat rates and body temperatures. The exertion that is perceived increases making the athlete to experience more fatigue than in normal situations (Cox et al., 2006). The requirements of fluids by individual athletes vary between exercise situations and the loss of fluids is affected by genetics of the athlete, the body size and fitness. In addition, the environment and exercise intensity where the exercise is being carried out affect the loss of water from the athlete’s body. It is natural for sweat loss to increase as the exercise intensity increases (Cox et al., 2006). The functioning of the athlete’s mental capability is lowered during this period and it normally leads to negative implications for motor control, concentration and decision-making. There is also slowed gastric emptying that leads to stomach discomforts. The effects sated always lead to the impairment of the exercise performance (Wilson et al., 2006). Hypo hydration affects almost all the types of exercises

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