Saturday, August 24, 2019

Discussion question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 11

Discussion question - Essay Example If the premise is that what is natural and what is according to human nature is morally acceptable, then euthanasia is morally wrong (â€Å"Euthanasia†). Therefore, based on such principles laid out by Gay-Williams, Lewis made a morally wrong decision in giving lethal doses of drugs to AIDS patients. Regardless of what they wanted, he should have obeyed their natural human tendency to live. Personally, my stereotype of a gay man refers to either an effeminate man or a drag queen full of make-up. Moreover, for me, lesbians are those strong women wearing leather jackets and punch men in their stomachs. The bisexuals are hard to define but perhaps they look more gay than bisexual. These stereotypes are based on fact as we all know that drag queens, effeminate men and violent lesbians exist. Moreover, such stereotypes make me want to avoid such people not necessarily because of discrimination but because I personally believe that most of them would not act normally in public, and this would make me or others feel very uncomfortable. Such discomfort would be enough to make me avoid them even if I personally do not discriminate against their sexual orientation. The point is that if they only behave like normal people and not attract too much attention, then perhaps I or society itself would be able to understand them more. Nevertheless, since they are also human beings, it i s not morally justifiable to limit their

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