Saturday, October 12, 2019

Causes Of Civil War :: essays research papers

Causes Of Civil War As members of the Futurist of America Association, we have been assigned to look specifically at the cause of the American Civil #War. There are five aspects that could of led to the Civil War and they are Westward Movement, Social Change, Froeign Policy Development, Government/Politics Development, and Economic Development. Out of the five aspects, Economic Development is the best reason for the eventual Civil War. First, Westward Movement could of led to American Civil War because of the Louisiana Purchase, Wilmont Proviso, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Popular Sovereignity, Compromise of 1850, Missouri Compromise, "Bleeding Kansas",   California Gold Rush, Manifest Destiny, and the Mistreatment of Native Americans. The Louisiana Purchase was done by President Jefferson because he wanted to doubled the size of the United States and to get control of   New Orleans. Wilmont Proviso was to ban slaves from territories that might gbe aquired from Mexico. Kansas- Nebraska Act was the result of Douglas wanting to build railroads from Chicago to San Franciso. Douglas was a big believer in popular sovereignity, where the people have the right to decide if they want to be free of slave state, and he completely ignore the Missoure Compromise. The Compromise of 1850 stated that should be equal number of free and slave states. The Missouri Compromise said that any state above the latitude of 36 30' can not be a slave state. "Bleeding Kansas" was where people were fighting over the issue of slavery and cost many American Lives. The California Gold Rust occurred when gold was discovered in California and people rushed out to California.When California apply for statehood, it cause huge problems because North and the South wanted control of the gold in the state. Manifest Destiny was where Americans believe that they had the right to expand westward. The Treatment of Native Americans was hoorible because Americans believe they were superior to the Native Americans. All these issues seperated the North form the South because each side a different view on each issue. Westward Movement could of led to the Civil War, but did not because of Henry Clay. When the Westward Movemet occurred new states started to enter the union. This is where the promblems begins. Missouri was the first state, other than Louisiana, to enter the union from the Louisiana Purchase and will give impications on the status of slavery west of the Mississippi. If   Missouri enter the union as a free state, then the North will get control of the House of Representatives because they would have more representatives. If Missouri enter the union as slave, the South will get control over the House.

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