Monday, October 21, 2019

Support the Health and Safety of Yourself and Individuals Essay Example

Support the Health and Safety of Yourself and Individuals Essay Example Support the Health and Safety of Yourself and Individuals Essay Support the Health and Safety of Yourself and Individuals Essay The importance of the health and safety of yourself and individuals in the process of dispensing care cannot be overemphasized. It forms the basis of care provision by creating awareness of potential hazards, how best to prevent or manage these hazards in administering care. The objective of every care rendered should be to maintain or improve life as much as possible and not the opposite, therefore care should be rendered in the safest way possible in the interest of all parties involved bringing into consideration the need of fairness, respect for individual and equality irrespective of our diverse cultures and way of life. In other to make this achievable in the healthcare industry certain governing rules and regulations has been introduced over the years as a minimum level or standard of care acceptable. These legislations were set, constantly reviewed and enforced by the CQC. It is very important that a carer should have these guiding rules at the back of his or her mind before, during and after administering care. CASE STUDY Call 1 Upon my arrival at his home, I clocked in to let my office know that I am with the mentioned client, I washed my hands, dried them and put on my gloves. I exchanged greetings with the client, made sure that the lightening was good and shut the blinds/curtain to give him some sense of privacy, then I looked at his file to find out if there are any changes made to his care needs or risk assessment. I quickly inspected the environment to ensure that there were no hazards to me or the client as I worked towards accomplishing my task for the morning. I took care of the urine bottles by emptying, washing and placing them on the table taking care to avoid spillage even though the toilet was equipped with anti splash accessory next to where the client sits down in the living room to enable him to have easy access to use them during the course of the day. I changed my gloves immediately to avoid cross contamination from the urine waste. I got his water for body wash ready and made it warm just the way he likes it and got his flannels, soap and shaving things ready as well. I normally use two flannels for his wash, one for bottom area and the other for the rest of the body. I also made ready his denture by cleaning them out, after sterilising overnight, with running water at the tap. I asked the client if he is happy to have a shave this morning and got a positive response from him, and then I proceeded to shave him after wetting the shaving area with the shave foam. I then gave him a final cleaning off with the flannel and asked him if he is happy with the shave and got a positive feedback. As soon as I got a positive feedback I proceeded with his wash, started with his face, cleaned out the eye area first because of the sensitivity of the eyes then washed his cheek, ears, mouth, and nose area and dried them with a clean towel. I asked the client again if he is happy or he wants any area repeated and got a positive feed back then I continued by assisting him to get undressed by removing his shirt first, washed his back, wiped it dry then washed his two hands, stomach area and armpit and wiped them dry. As I washed from one part of the body to the other I always dipped the flannel into the water to wash off accumulated dirt to freshen the flannel for further washing. At this stage I put on the client’s shirt to keep him warm and I asked him if he is happy to stand up then I got a positive response from him before I assisted him to stand up by raising the height of the bed and putting his Zimmer frame in front of him for support. I also used my hand to support his lower central back as I prompted him to stand up. On standing up, I asked him if he is stable and if I can now continue with the rest of the wash. On getting a positive response I removed his lower dressing, gave him a wash and dried him thoroughly then I asked him to sit down briefly for me on the bed which I have lined with a clean towel. At this point I washed his legs, dried it, and changed his underpants, put on his trouser halfway and then his shoes. Once again, I asked him if he is happy to get up so that I can complete his dressing, got a positive response, and assisted him as before to stand up, put on his new pad, pulled up his underpants and trousers while he was still standing. He was now fully dressed and ready to walk to the living room to get seated so I asked him if he is happy and ready to walk to the living room and got a positive response. While he walked with the support of the Zimmer frame, I supported him by placing my hand on his lower central back area. When he got to his chair I lowered his recline chair to a comfortable height for him to be able to sit down comfortably and I also repositioned the back rest and supported his back with pillows until he said that he is now seated comfortably. I pushed his utility table close to him, prompted his medication and then took out my gloves, washed my hands and asked him if he is happy and if he has any other thing he wanted me to do for him before I leave. I got a positive response then I made a report of the tasks that I have accomplished in the Daily Care Report book and clocked out to let the office know that I am through with the call before leaving the property secured. Call 2 On this occasion I was to provide care for an elderly client who has a history of diabetics and movement difficulty as noted in his care plan and risk assessment record. Upon arrival I unlocked his key safe, made use of the key to unlock his door and secured his key and code. I then clocked in as usual and went into the living room to look at the clients file when I saw him flat on the floor and looking unconscious however I noticed that he was still breathing. Immediately I took hold of the phone and called 999 for the ambulance (Paramedics). I was assured that they will be there in about 5 to 10 minutes. I quickly called my line manager to inform her of this new development and I continued to reassure the service user that he will be alright and that the Paramedics are on their way coming. I did not move or attempt to move the service user until the arrival of the paramedics. As soon as the Paramedics arrived I briefed them on what had happened and also allowed them access into the clients medical file to enable them administer the right treatment to the service user. After receiving some treatment while on the floor, the service user came around and I assisted the Paramedics to get him off the floor as I was directed by the Paramedics. DEVELOP YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICE I have discovered over time as a carer that there is the need for me to make progress in my career as a carer and this can only be achieved by continuous acquisition of relevant knowledge, development of the right skills, training, supervision and feedback on performance all on the job. To take care of my supervision need I do have meetings with my supervisor to discuss my progress on the job and my areas of challenges. These discussions are normally followed by recommendations for training in the areas that I am experiencing difficulty. Also the fact that I receive a certification in those areas of care helps me to be more confident in executing my duty as a carer. It also brings to my understanding why I have to care for a client in a particularly recommended way and on a general note, why I do the things that I do in the way that I do them while caring. In other to take care of my progression in my career, I am supervised while on the job from time to time and also through discussion specific recommendations are made for my training needs. This has been very useful to me and I have attended some trainings such as: 1. Moving and Handling 2. Fire risk, Health and Safety 3. Infection Control 4. Food nutrition 5. Medication These trainings have made my knowledge on the job to improve and since I now know and understand why things are done in a particular way I have gone ahead to improve on my knowledge and method of accomplishing my task. I also make sure I get a feed back from my clients and possibly my supervisor when I apply new methods to improve my service to clients in rendering care, however I always make sure that whatever method I decide to apply that health and safety issues are not compromised and the guiding regulations as stipulated by CQC are also obeyed.

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